My initial optimism of getting tickets for this is rapidly diminishing.
The seasons LC and FAC has been perfect for the credit hunters. I appreciate the clubs hands are tied at the moment with regards the re-distributing of tickets but it's a piss take that people have not attended both games, and in plenty of cases either, and are still eligible for the ballot.
The sooner they start implementing who goes through the turnstile gets the credit the better, especially for cup games.
I’m pessimistic in the same way mate, I don’t do well in the ballots as it is but dreading this one especially.
Couldn’t agree more with the turnstile/credit issue, easy for the homes now you’d assume but no way of doing the same for aways.
A lad I know couldn’t even be bothered to go to the homes (left the tickets unused), never mind the aways, and I’ve done all five games (only the homes on my own card).
I just know how this story is going to end